"...The future of our global healthcare world lies in the international collaborative
competencies of the next generation of healthcare leaders..." (Dr. Anette Wu, University World News)
Mandeep Gill Sagoo
Senior Lecturer
MANDEEP GILL SAGOO, Ed.D., M.Sc. (Medical Anatomy), P.G.C.E., F.H.E.A., is a senior lecturer in anatomy in the Department of Anatomy, School of Biomedical Education at King’s College London, London, United Kingdom.  Her educational research is in understanding assessments with multimedia learning theories, relationships between spatial ability and anatomy learning and use of innovative paedagogies and reflective practical assessments. Her applied anatomy research is in the area of developing and validating projection overlay method (3D CT scans) and finite urinary bladder models. She has recently been recognised with an Excellence in Teaching Award from the GKT School of Medical Education, King’s College London. She overseeing and coordinating the program at King's College London, UK.